Granite Construction Company Leverages SupplierCI for Real-time Insights and Resource Management

The Challenge

Granite Construction Company, a full service materials producer, faced several challenges in optimizing their paving operations and estimating processes. They needed to ensure they had an adequate number of projects and crews to meet their goals while efficiently allocating their resources. Additionally, tracking project progress and making timely adjustments in trucking and production presented ongoing difficulties. Traditional methods, such as making numerous phone calls to foremen and operators, proved time-consuming and disruptive.

The Solution

Granite Construction turned to HaulHub’s SupplierCI Business Analytics solution to address their operational challenges. SupplierCI harnesses the power of material ticketing data to provide valuable insights on plants, trucks, materials, and customers. With SupplierCI, Granite Construction gained real-time visibility into their projects’ pulse and progress, enabling informed decision-making regardless of their location. The platform allowed them to monitor trucking and production levels, identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies, and make immediate adjustments.

By using SupplierCI, Granite Construction could set up targets, review historical data, and access job-specific information easily. This capability revolutionized their estimating process, eliminating the need to dig through old job files or rely on outdated human-driven methods. They could now retrieve accurate historical data and analyze factors like cost, production, and trucking history, allowing for precise estimations. This newfound accuracy enabled them to win bids more effectively and enhance their project outcomes.

Granite Construction Company is a full-service general contractor, construction management firm and construction materials producer. Recognized as one of the top 25 largest construction companies in the U.S., Granite specializes in complex infrastructure projects, including transportation, industrial and federal contracting.

The Results

  • Increased Accuracy in Project Estimating
  • Optimized Overall Project Performance
  • Enhanced Resource Management

“SupplierCI helps us see where our productions are at and where we need to adjust on a daily basis.”
“We’re using SupplierCI to improve the accuracy of our work in our estimating process. We can easily go back to any specific job on any particular date and find what the pulse was, what our historic round times were for that work.”

Scott Fernald
Construction Manager
Asphalt Paving Operations
Granite Construction Company

The Story

Granite Construction Company, recognized as one of the top 25 largest construction firms in the U.S., specializes in complex infrastructure projects across transportation, industrial, and federal sectors. With over 25 years of experience in the construction industry, Scott Fernald, Construction Manager responsible for Asphalt Paving Operations in the Utah region, and Troy Hadley, General Superintendent for Granite Construction in the Ogden Utah area, have been instrumental in overcoming operational challenges and driving success.

Their paving operations encompass a team of approximately 30 individuals, with Scott Fernald leading a core group of six people in the Utah region. Their primary focus is on efficiently scheduling and overseeing grading and paving projects. To achieve success, they prioritize utilizing resources optimally, improving operations continuously, and navigating industry challenges such as material shortages.

Granite Construction Company
Granite Construction Company is a full-service general contractor, construction management firm and construction materials producer. Recognized as one of the top 25 largest construction companies in the U.S., Granite specializes in complex infrastructure projects, including transportation, industrial and federal contracting.
Material Producer